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TS in M3U

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 01:50
by sefidpoor
hello there,

I created m3u file with this content but it does not work. why? (but it works in other players)

#EXTINF:0,IT Item 1

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 02:43
by Eugene
What does "in other players" mean? In other players on Smart TV? In which ones exactly?
As for me, this stream doesn't work even in VLC

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 03:02
by sefidpoor
It is not working now but it was working in VLC.
So generally, can I play TS files in my playlist?

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 03:09
by Eugene
sefidpoor wrote:It is not working now but it was working in VLC.

Why do you compare players on different platforms? PC and Smart TV aren't the same things. It is abolutely incorrect.
Any HLS stream is composed of ts-chunks, all the streams from Open TV sectioin are HLS. So, there are no problems with ts-streams in SS IPTV, there were problems with your concrete stream and I cannot know the reason.

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 01 Feb 2018, 19:50
by D3m0n1um
Hello Guys!

I just have the same Problem...

Here are the TS-Links which work on VLC but not on SS-IPTV:

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 02 Feb 2018, 02:30
by Eugene
Снимок.JPG (26.17 KiB) Viewed 18972 times

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 02 Feb 2018, 02:38
by D3m0n1um
I just took the Screenshot from VLC

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 03 Feb 2018, 22:55
by ErikErik
Eugene wrote:

They all worked fine for me with VLC.

So the server is up and running, that's for sure. I didn't test it on my TV tho...

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 05 Mar 2018, 01:10
by caribbean team
Hey guys
I have the same problem but the root of the problem is other.
All the links with TS working with SSIPTV app, no matter the device, (android, amazon firestick or box, even my smart tv) I have more 5 externa source list and works perfect (I already installed in all the devices I mentioned without problem)
The problem with links with extension TS working with video loops (smalls videos) and that's right the only codec o player I found until today with "auto loop" bottom or setting is VLC. I try with at least 10 different codecs in different plataforms and noone have the same setting.
If someone knows one player I can use in different platforms and I can use together with SSIPTV really I appreciate
or can show me if the codec here in SSIPTV have that setting will be great.
Even I try use a local proxy server to fix the problem and still doing the same problem (some codecs completely take you out of the channel others just freeze the video/audio)
Any suggestion or answers......

Re: TS in M3U

Posted: 27 Oct 2018, 10:14
by sxanus
Is there any update on this topic? I have exactly same problem. In VLC, auto-loop option would overcome this problem however, ss iptv app does not refresh the connection and it stucks after few seconds. Otherwise, the quality of the first seconds are absolutely fine.