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How could I watch brazilian channels

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 16:20
by Kivanc

I installed SSIPTV on my LG Smart TV. I want to watch brazilian channels. I selected my current operator as Citta Telecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. When I press on the 'Provider' tab I see three brazilian channels: SBT, Music Box Brazil, Globo. When I try to watch these channels, an error pops up that says "Unable to play: Globo HD". How could I watch these channels?


Re: How could I watch brazilian channels

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 18:50
by Eugene
Are you the customer of Citta Telecom? If not, why do you select it as provider?

Re: How could I watch brazilian channels

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 19:19
by Kivanc
Because I want to watch brazilian channels. I am not a customer of Citta Telecom. I live in Turkey. How could I watch brazilian channels?

Re: How could I watch brazilian channels

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 20:00
by Eugene
It is absolutely obvious you can view channels of YOUR operator. Citta Telecom (and any other operator) is not a charitable organization, it provides IPTV service to its customers only. How could you watch Brazilian channels? Find operator which translates them (globaly or in Turkey) and become its customer.

Re: How could I watch brazilian channels

Posted: 09 Dec 2015, 21:16
by cooliobr
May be soon he can sign-up ANTIK, we have all Brazilian channels, our cost is USD49,00/month.